1·The lower jaw is called the mandible or mandibular bone.
2·The opposite mandibular bone without implants served as a control group.
3·Results: mandibular canal was formed by a thin layer of compact bone in spongy bone of mandibular bone.
4·Objective: To observe the difference of mandibular bone density in aged normal and osteoporotic people.
5·Objective: To inquire into the relationship between the mandibular bone mineral density and vertical craniofacial morphology.
6·Method: Slices of surgically resected human mandibular bone containing healthy teeth received fibers special staining, and then were measured by image analysis methods.
7·The bone density of the mandibular angle and coxofemoral region can be measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer.
可以使用双能 X 射线吸收仪测量下颌角和股骨区的骨密度。
8·Objective to study the autogenous outer table of mandibular as bone graft in management of severe trauma saddle deformity of nose.
9·Objective to study the influence of different shape of lower jaw on stress distribution at bone interface in the mandibular molar region of implant restoration models.
10·This article illustrates some study of mandibular outer cortex and onlay bone graft on basic and clinic area, reports the results of our further basic and clinic research.